John Bennett MD

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John Bennett MD

John Bennett MD

Dr. Bennett has a passion for helping his patients take a proactive role in their own health. This includes working with patients to understand the importance of nutrition and exercise as well as the optimization of bioidentical hormone therapy to bring about optimal health and youthful aging.

Doctor John R. Bennett is a Board Certified Internal Medicine Physician with over 20-years of direct patient care experience working in both outpatient and hospital based settings. In addition to direct patient care, he has also served as Chief Medical Officer and Chief of Staff for a hospital located in Southeast Georgia. He is an active member of the American Medical Association (AMA) and the American College of Physicians (ACP).

Dr. Bennett is a graduate of the Georgia Institue of Technology where he received a BS in Civil Engineering. He earned his Doctor of Medicine from the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston and completed a residency in Internal Medicine at Memorial University Hospital here in Savannah. He is certified in Advanced Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy through the Academy of Preventative and Innovative Medicine by Worldlink Medical, located in North Salt Lake, Utah.


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