Cesar A Lara MD
Cesar A Lara MD
Dr Cesar Lara has been practicing in the our community for over 30 years.
He is board certified in family Medicine and Obesity Medicine, has advance training and is certified through the academy of Preventive and Innovative Medicine on complex hormone unbalances and replacement, and also is certified and has advance training in Energy Medicine.
His practice is dedicated to preventive medicine with emphasis on medical weight-loss/ medical bariatrics and age management through lifestyle and mindset modification, supplement support and when appropriate hormonal optimization, using Bio-identical hormones.
Our offices are located in Pinellas county Florida with one office in Dunedin near US19 on Curlew road, and the other is in downtown St Petersburg.
"Our bodies are miraculous, having the ability to heal and regenerate when we give it what it needs " Dr Lara